This is an online service, why do you need my telephone number?

We need to validate your number, this is part of the security process. We will also send you reminders of any upcoming bookings or sessions through SMS. If you wish to be contacted by phone in the future we will use this number to do so.

It says my email address is already taken

This could mean that you have already signed up for the service. If so, you should be logging into I Can Connect which you can do in the same menu where you clicked to sign up.

My telephone number isn’t being accepted

The system checks to ensure it is a valid number. This could mean that you have accidentally put in the wrong number or it could be that a digit is missing or there are too many digits.

Who is Valley Leisure Ltd?

Valley Leisure is the Charity that operates I Can Connect. Valley Leisure has been operating for over 30 years. Based in Hampshire, we have been serving our communities with a mission of getting people to move more and feel better. You can find out more about Valley Leisure and its other service brands here.

I won’t agree to the disclaimer

We understand that this may raise some questions. If you are not happy to agree to the disclaimer, we understand this. As the charity that operates I Can Connect, Valley Leisure has to ensure anyone that signs up for I Can Connect has agreed to the disclaimer.

I’m not sure if I need medical advice before signing up to I Can Connect

We understand that seeking medical advice can be challenging in today’s circumstances. However if you have a diagnosed health condition and you are not sure if exercising will have a negative impact on your health, we advise you seek professional medical advice prior to signing up.

How do I know if I Can Connect is right for me?

I Can Connect has purposely been created differently to other online services. As a charity, our motivation isn’t purely financial. We want to positively impact your health and wellbeing. Our ultimate aim is to try and get you leading an active life and meet the Chief Medical Officers guidelines of 150 minutes activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, with a focus on strength, balance and minimising sedentary time. If you are significantly more active than this, this may not be for you.

What is a subscription?

A subscription is a purchase by prepayment for a service, normally a set number of publications or on this occasion for a set period of time. Our subscription will provide you access for 4 months to the I Can Connect platform. You will pay £15 a month and a direct debit mandate will be set up.

What financial commitment am I making?

When joining I Can Connect, you will be asked to provide your billing information. This billing information is to allow you to pay for the subscription. The subscription consists of 4 payments of £15 which is the minimum commitment. Therefore, the financial commitment is for £60. You can cancel your subscription after 4 months so no more money will be taken. If you want to carry on after the 4 month period, the direct debit will continue, £15 will be deducted from your account and access to I Can Connect will continue.

I cannot find my activation email

It could be that the first emails you receive from us go into your junk or spam folder. You should be able to easily check these. In your email dashboard there may be a list of folders. One will be marked junk or spam.

One you have found the email, we advise you to move it to your inbox. This will then mean you can click on the link to activate your account.

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. However, being open and honest there is a 4 month minimum commitment.

If you cancel within your 4 month minimum term, then we will collect money to cover this minimum period, you will still have access to the site until the end of your subscription.

If you cancel after the 4 months period then no more money will be taken and you will be notified of the date that you will be able to access the platform up until.

What if I change my mind about cancelling my subscription?

If you change your mind, you can at any point reactivate your account. Even if this is after you have stopped getting access to the platform, your login details will still work. Once logged in you will be prompted to reactivate your account.

What if I’m not using the service?

If you are not using the service we strongly recommend that you reach out to us. Rest assured, we will be actively looking to contact you first. As you are a part of the I Can community we want understand why you are not using the platform and what we can do, if anything to re engage you in the service.

Does a 14 day cooling off period apply to this agreement?


I’ve tried online exercise before, how is this different?

The concept of I Can Connect is to replicate as close as possible our service for the physical therapy centre that we operate. Why? Because over the years, the service has been successful in attracting, engaging and retaining I Can customers. We have taken this knowledge and transformed it into an online service.

As a Charitable Trust, our primary purpose is to deliver our charitable objectives and our Mission. We have taken our time, researched and tested this platform. This platform has been built from scratch and it has many unique features and it is combined with an approach that isn’t currently available on other platforms.

Our aim is to build a long lasting relationship with you the customer, to embed you with the online community and help you move more and feel better.